Playa BuenaventuraHotelPlaya Riviera Maya

Code of Conduct for Employees and Company Representatives


This Code of Conduct ("Code") outlines the company's commitment to ethical and responsible behavior by all employees and company representatives. It serves as a guide for decision-making and conduct and promotes a culture of integrity, transparency, and compliance.


This Code applies to all employees, regardless of their position, location, or employment status. It also applies to company representatives, including consultants, contractors, agents, and others acting on behalf of the company.

Values and Principles

The company is committed to the following core values and principles:

Specific Conduct Guidelines

To uphold these values and principles, all employees and company representatives must adhere to the following:

1. Conflicts of Interest:

2. Anti-Corruption and Bribery:

3. Fair Dealing:

4. Confidentiality:

5. Workplace Conduct:

6. Responsible Use of Company Resources:

7. Reporting and Compliance:

8. Social Responsibility:

9. Continuous Improvement:

Disciplinary Action

Violations of this Code may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or termination of contract. The company may also take legal action against individuals who engage in misconduct.

Reporting Mechanisms

Employees and company representatives are encouraged to report any suspected violations of this Code through the following channels:

The company will investigate all reports of misconduct promptly and confidentially.


This Code is a living document and may be amended from time to time. All employees and company representatives are expected to familiarize themselves with the Code and comply with its provisions.

By adhering to this Code, we can create a positive and ethical work environment, maintain our reputation for integrity, and ensure the long-term success of the company.